Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Friday that three farm laws will be rolled back by the government that were issued in Parliament in the year 2020, and as a result, farmers start protesting to cancel those three farm laws.
After one year of protest to repeal three farm laws, now farmers get relief from those laws as PM Modi announces that 3 farm laws will be rolled back this month. PM Modi said that these farm laws were announced for the welfare of farmers, but we couldn’t able to convince farmers over these farm laws.
Farm Laws to be Cancelled this Month, Says PM Modi
On Friday, PM Modi announces that farm laws will be cancelled this month, and in his speech, he apologizes to India for not being able to convince farmers over released farm laws. He said that they have decided to roll back the 3 farm laws, and they will finish all documentation or paperwork during the Parliament session that starts this month.
PM Modi Urges Protesters to Go Back Home
PM Narendra Modi also requests protesters to go back home to their families. Last year in September 2020, parliament released the 3 farm laws. They first came in June as 3 ordinances before being confirmed by the Parliament. These laws are The Farmers Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce Act, and The Essential Commodities Act.
What are Three Farm Laws?
- The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act: It enables farmers to sell their farm produces to any licence holder trader at mutually agreed prices outside the Agriculture Produce Market Committees (APMCs).
- The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act: It enables farmers to do contract farming, and they can also freely market their produces.
- The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act: It changes the existing Essential Commodities Act. This law frees goods, including pulses, foodgrains, onion, and edible oils for trade except in extraordinary situations.
The farmers that protest say that new farm laws would make the MSP system inapplicable and they would not get enough income from their farming. PM Modi said that whatever he did, he did for farmers, and he is doing everything for the country. Despite this, he also said that nation’s dream will be completed with his hard work.