Learn to Pronounce Fruits Names in Spanish List

Are you planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country and want to taste fruits but don’t know vegetables and fruits names in Spanish list? Well, you are in the right place here you will get a list of fruits names in the Spanish language. From this blog, you’ll come to know how to pronounce different fruits name in Spanish. As you know fruits are essential and rich in nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

The huge list of fruits name might come in handy when you go outside to buy fruits in a Spanish-speaking country. To pronounce each fruit name easily, you can view the following list.

Fruits Names in Spanish List

  • Apple in Spanish: la manzana
  • Apricot in Spanish: el damasco, el albaricoque
  • Banana in Spanish: el plátano, la banana
  • Berries in Spanish: las bayas
  • Blackberry in Spanish: la mora, la zarzamora
  • Blueberry in Spanish: el arándano
  • Camu camu in Spanish: el camu camu
  • Cherimoya in Spanish: la chirimoya
  • Citron in Spanish: el cidro, el citrón, la toronja
  • Cherries in Spanish: la cerezas
  • Coconut in Spanish: el coco
  • Cucumber in Spanish: el pepino
  • Cranberry in Spanish: el arándano agrio
  • Dates fruit in Spanish: Fechas de la fruta
  • Dragon fruit in Spanish: Dragon de fruta
  • Fig in Spanish: el higo
  • Galia in Spanish: el melón galia
  • Gooseberry in Spanish: la grosella Espinosa
  • Grapefruit in Spanish: pomelo
  • Guarana in Spanish: la fruta de guaraná
  • Honeydew melon in Spanish: el melón tuna
  • Kiwi in Spanish: el kiwi
  • Lemon in Spanish: la lima, el limón
  • Lychee in Spanish: la lichi
  • Mango in Spanish: el mango
  • Melon in Spanish: el melon
  • Mulberry in Spanish: la mora
  • Naranjilla in Spanish: la naranjilla, el lulo
  • Orange in Spanish: la naranja
  • Papaya in Spanish: la papaya
  • Passion fruit in Spanish: maracuyá
  • Peach in Spanish: el durazno, el melocotón
  • Pear in Spanish: la pera
  • Pineapple in Spanish: la piña, el ananá
  • Plum in Spanish: la ciruelas
  • Pomegranate in Spanish: la Granada
  • Quince in Spanish: el membrillo
  • Raspberries in Spanish: la frambuesas
  • Strawberry in Spanish: la fresa, la frutilla
  • Tamarind in Spanish: el tamarindo
  • Tomatillo in Spanish: el tomatillo
  • Tomato in Spanish: el tomate
  • Watermelon in Spanish: la sandía

Common Benefits of Eating Fruits

  • Apple

Apple in Spanish is called la Manzana. Apples are exceptionally healthy fruit for a good reason. Apples are enriched with fibre and water. They are also good for heart patients and asthmatic patients.

  • Apricot

    Apricot in Spanish

    Apricot in Spanish 

Apricot in Spanish is called el Damasco.Apricots are low in calories and very nutritious. They are high in antioxidants, good for eye health, boost skin health, boost gut health, and protect your liver as well.

  • Berries

    Berries in Spanish

    Berries in Spanish

Berries in Spanish are called las bayas. Berries are loaded with antioxidants, enhance blood sugar and insulin response. Berries are high in fibre and provide various nutrients.

  • Cherries

    Cherries in Spanish

    Cherries in Spanish

Cherries in Spanish are called la cerezas. They are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and are good for heart health, improve arthritis symptoms and improve sleep qualities.

  • Cucumber

Many of you may think that cucumber is a vegetable, but it is a fruit. Cucumbers are high in nutrients, antioxidants, promote hydration, and help in weight loss, and lower blood sugar.

  • Cranberry

    Cranberry in Spanish

    Cranberry in Spanish

Cranberry in Spanish is called el arándano agrio. Cranberries are enriched with minerals and vitamins. It prevents urinary tract infections, stomach cancers and ulcers.

  • Dates

    Dates fruit in Spanish

    Dates fruit in Spanish

Dates fruit in Spanish are called fechas de la fruta. Dates are high in fibre, antioxidants, promote brain health, and natural labor.

  • Dragon

    Dragon fruit in Spanish

    Dragon fruit in Spanish

Dragon fruit in Spanish is called dragon de fruta. Dragon fruit is rich in nutrients and fibre, promotes a healthy gut, boosts the immune system, and is a good source of magnesium.

  • Grapefruit

    Grapefruit in Spanish

    Grapefruit in Spanish

Grapefruit in Spanish is called pomelo. Grapefruit is low in calories, boosts the immune system, help weight loss, and improve heart health.

  • Mango

    Mango in Spanish

    Mango in Spanish

Mango in Spanish is called el mango. Mango is packed with nutrients, high in antioxidants, boosts immunity, supports heart health, and improves digestive health.

  • Orange

    Orange in Spanish

    Orange in Spanish

Orange in Spanish is called la Naranja. Orange is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Orange is good for heart health, kidney stone prevention, and anaemia prevention.

  • Passion fruit

    Passion fruit in Spanish

    Passion fruit in Spanish

Passion fruit in Spanish is called maracuyá. Passion fruit is a good source of nutrition, rich in antioxidants, improves insulin sensitivity, and boosts the immune system.

  • Peach

    Peach in Spanish

    Peach in Spanish

Peach in Spanish is called el durazno, el melocotón. Peaches are packed with nutrients and antioxidants. Peaches are good for the digestive system, improve heart health, and protect your skin.

  • Pineapple

    Pineapple in Spanish

    Pineapple in Spanish

Pineapple in Spanish is called la piña, el ananá. Pineapple is a delicious fruit and it is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and reduces the risk of cancer.

  • Plum

    Plum in Spanish

    Plum in Spanish

Plum in Spanish is called la ciruelas. Plums help in relieving constipation problems, are good for blood pressure control, are rich in antioxidants and reduce blood sugar.

  • Pomegranate

    Pomegranate in Spanish

    Pomegranate in Spanish

Pomegranate in Spanish is called la Granada. Pomegranates are rich in nutrients, has anti-inflammatory effects, useful against breast cancer, and lower blood pressure.

  • Raspberries

    Raspberries in Spanish

    Raspberries in Spanish

Raspberries in Spanish are called la frambuesas. Raspberries are low calories, packed with nutrients, can reduce disease risk, and are high in fibre.

  • Strawberry

    Strawberry in Spanish

    Strawberry in Spanish

Strawberry in Spanish is called la fresa, la frutilla. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, good for heart health, and control blood sugar levels.

  • Watermelon

    Watermelon in Spanish

    Watermelon in Spanish

Watermelon in Spanish is called la sandía. Watermelon is a refreshing and delicious fruit. Watermelon helps you hydrate, improves heart health, and prevent macular degeneration.

  • Banana

    Banana in Spanish

    Banana in Spanish

Banana in Spanish is called el plátano, la banana. Banana has essential nutrients that can moderate blood sugar levels. Bananas are good for digestive health, aid weight loss, and support heart health.

  • Blueberry

    Blueberry in Spanish

    Blueberry in Spanish

Blueberry in Spanish is called el arándano. Blueberries are low in calories, packed with antioxidants, reduce DNA damage, and lower blood pressure.


Vegetables Name in Spanish Language

The following are the most common names of vegetables in Spanish:

  • Artichoke: la alcachofa
  • Arugula: la rúcula, la rúgula
  • Asparagus: los espárragos
  • Avocado: el aguacate, la palta
  • Bamboo shoots: los tallos de bamboo
  • Bean: la judía, la haba, la habichuela, el frijol
  • Beet: la remolacha
  • Bok choy: la col china
  • Broccoli: el brécol, el bróculi
  • Cabbage: la col, el repollo
  • Carrot:  la zanahoria
  • Cassava: la yuca, la casava, la casaba, la mandioca,
  • Celery: el apio
  • Chicory: la achicoria
  • Cucumber: el pepino
  • Eggplant: la berenjena
  • Escarole: la escarole
  • Garlic: el ajo
  • Ginger: el jengibre
  • Green pepper: el pimiento verde, el ají verde
  • Jicama: la jícama
  • Kale: la col rizada, el kale
  • Lentil: la lenteja
  • Lettuce: la lechuga
  • Mustard: la mostaza
  • Onion: la cebolla
  • Pea: el guisante
  • Pumpkin: la calabaza
  • Radish: el rábano
  • Sorrel: la acedera
  • Squash: la cucurbitácea
  • Turnip: el nabo
  • Zucchini: el calabacín


With this blog, you can learn vegetables and fruits names in Spanish list. Apart from fruits name, you will also get to know the benefits of eating fruits. If you are visiting Spanish speaking country and want to know the Spanish names of fruits, then you can read all names of the above fruits in Spanish.

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