Hypnosis for Binge Eating

Hypnosis for Binge Eating: Eating disorders are a series of mental problems that cause an abnormal attitude towards food.  Often associated with depression, anxiety and low self-esteem are incredibly damaging psychologically and physically, causing changes in behavior and eating habits. People who suffer from them are usually concentrated, or better, obsessed with weight, their physical state, and what they eat.

Adelaide Hypnotherapist

This often leads to insane behaviors that can have devastating consequences. Particularly in the case of anorexia and bulimia, the physical damages they cause make it necessary for them to be controlled and treated by a doctor. The support and collaboration of an Adelaide hypnotherapist can be very useful.

By targeting the subconscious mind directly, hypnosis can work directly to help the body. All compulsive habits and behaviors (irresistible or obsessive impulse to repeat a certain action) have a series of causes and therefore an origin. If, as is most common, it is not possible to find and solve the problem rationally, then it is subconscious.

Hypnosis is useful for the treatment of eating disorders because it allows you to communicate with the subconscious directly and effectively. In this way it is possible to go to the root of the problem, where it really is, to find solutions. TheThe emotional key to the problem is hidden in the subconscious, this makes it difficult to solve by rationalizing or analyzing it.

It is essential that people suffering from this situation understand that they were not born that way, that their problem is acquired behavior, and can be changed. This means that it is possible for them to function normally again. Hypnosis is a way to change beliefs, emotions, and perceptions so that the person can return to a healthy relationship with his body and food.

The causes of eating disorders are complex and there are often many aspects involved. There is no single reason for someone to develop a problem with eating, and the factors that contribute to it are different for each person.

It is believed to be a combination of biological, social, genetic, psychological, and environmental reasons.

binge eating disorder

 Some key factors that make someone more likely to develop an eating disorder are:
  • The low self – esteem, an epidemic in our culture. The enormous pressure that we all suffer in a society that prioritizes beauty and youth means that almost all people have self-image problems at some point in their lives.
  • To have a family history of eating disorders or depression
  • Being criticized for eating habits or weight.
  • Feeling pressured to be thin because of your profession or hobbies.
  • Having certain personal characteristics such as being obsessive or a tendency to suffer anxiety.
  • Suffer traumatic events such as abuse or the death of loved ones.
  • Difficult personal relationships with friends or family.
  • Being subjected to high levels of stress at school, university, or work.

There are various types of eating disorders but the most common are :

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge-eating


It is a serious illness that makes the person want to weigh as little as possible. To achieve this, those who suffer from it often resort to extreme measures: reduce the amount of food, return or do exorbitant amounts of exercise.

A person suffering from anorexia has a distorted image, does not see himself as other people do. Despite being a normal weight (or much less than normal) it is perceived as overweight.

The disease causes great anxiety to be experienced in everything that has to do with food. The patients go to unimaginable extremes to avoid eating due to the panic caused by gaining weight or “losing control” of their diet. you need to contact your keto coach or dietitian.

This idea of “control” plays a big role in the disease. People with anorexia are usually very perfectionists, have self-confidence problems, low self-esteem, and a great need for control. Controlling food and weight can give you a sense of control that is difficult to achieve in other aspects of life at first.

But the absence of nourishment causes the body and the mind to stop working correctly, a distortion of reality and rational thinking occurs. Finally, it is the disease that takes control and the person is defenseless. it’s possible to end up dying from the effects of anorexia.

If you think you have anorexia or know someone who has it, do not wait to see extreme weight loss. Although this is the main symptom, others of a psychological nature precede it, the earlier the person seeks and receives better help.


Bulimia is another disease that also causes those who suffer from it to have an obsessive tendency to control their weight. Someone with bulimia tends to want to restrict food, overeat, and eliminate what they have eaten.

Weight and height have an excessive influence on self-esteem and the assessment that they make of themselves. Many women especially hate their looks and consider body fat a sign of their “bad.”

This overeating or compulsive binge eating involves eating a large quantity of food at once. This overeating is not a product of hunger but rather a response to an emotion such as stress, low self-esteem, or depression. They can appear spontaneously or be planned. When one of these episodes occurs, eating becomes an obsession, eating quickly, and a feeling of loss of control.

After the binge, someone with bulimia feels guilty, ashamed, and worried about the weight they are going to gain. To avoid this, people with bulimia try to regain control and get rid of what they have eaten by purging themselves or by other means. Some provoke vomiting, take laxatives or diuretics, undergo episodes of prolonged fasting or excessive amounts of exercise. In some cases, this urge to vomit occurs after each meal.

The frequency with which these episodes are repeated varies from every several months to several times a day. Obviously, this cycle of binge eating and purging has consequences on the body and mind. Some do not consider their disease a problem but others live it with fear and despair. People with bulimia, although they may have a normal weight, this makes it more difficult to identify their problem to others, they also need help.

Compulsive Binge Eating

People with this disease eat excessively and uncontrollably with the consequent weight gain. Unlike bulimia, the person who suffers them does not eliminate the food after the binge. Compulsive eaters use food as a way to cope with stress, emotional conflicts, or day-to-day problems. They use food to cover up and block the feelings and emotions they experience.

Those who live with this problem often feel uncontrolled in their lives and are aware that their behavior is not normal or healthy. This behavior usually begins in childhood when behavior patterns are formed. Many people who end up as compulsive eaters have not learned to handle stressful situations. And use food as a way to cope with them.

Those with this condition are often overweight and try to control their behavior by dieting to lose weight. This often leads to new binge eating accompanied by feelings of helplessness, guilt, shame, and failure. This cycle of diet and binge eating can continue forever if the emotional reasons that provoke it are not solved.

Binge eaters are often ashamed of their behavior and hide it from family and friends. They often feel guilty but they live their situation as if they did not have a “real” problem. Which makes it difficult for them to ask for or seek help. The truth is that when they are overweight they often suffer from medical problems. Such as diabetes or heart disease and their emotional state is affected.

The truth is that compulsive binge eating is a physically and psychologically dangerous disease like other eating disorders.

binge eating

Hypnosis and Eating Disorders

The severity and complexity of these types of disorders make multidisciplinary treatment the most useful and effective. Different therapies and medical care can greatly benefit from the use of Hypnosis for binge eating.

Often those who suffer from one of these disorders are not able to see that they have this problem. It is necessary that family and friends encourage the patient to talk about it. Support him and seek the help of Adelaide hypnosis professionals.

To recover, the person needs a strong desire to change and it is necessary to get a good relationship with the people who are helping him. Without forgetting that change is always taking a step into the unknown and therefore it is scary. Improvements sometimes seem to move forward and suddenly roll back so strong support and understanding are essential.

The goal is to reach a healthy weight while the psychological aspects of your illness are taken care of and resolved. Because weight and diet are in fact a part of recovery as they are the symptom of underlying psychological problems.

The purpose of hypnosis is to use the power of suggestion to change habits and behaviors in this case in everything related to food.

Using positive suggestions in a hypnotic state can help change the person’s vision of himself. Hypnosis Adelaide incredibly enhances the capacity for learning and personal change so the patient learns to love himself more and value himself. Also developing new ways of thinking about food and gradually improving your relationship with it.

Adelaide Hypnosis is also to deal with issues as we have seen closely relate to eating disorders. If people frequently experience stress or anxiety, hypnosis can teach them to relax and increase well-being in their lives.

Also, issues such as low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and distorted perception of body image. That can be successful treats using hypnosis.

Understanding the root or root cause of the problem can be helpful in recovering. For this reason, techniques that use regression can help. Using them you can explore the subconscious to find the event, comment, or situation that has contributed to developing the eating disorder.

Also using hypnosis, you can “reframe” the behavior, that is, look for the positive intention or secondary benefit behind those behaviors. By knowing it, it is easier to replace the behaviors that generate problems with others that are healthy and equally effective in satisfying these needs, which are usually emotional.

People suffering from one of these disorders may be looking for affection or attention in the case of anorexia. Perhaps protect themselves with excessive weight from those who eat compulsively.

With the help of Adelaide hypnosis, it is about the person: Recovers physical and mental health. Understand that your body is only a small part of the valuable person that you are. Change your perception of yourself and the way you manage your emotions. Strengthening your self-esteem and confidence in your abilities. Realize that accepting yourself as you are, avoiding comparing yourself, and seeking unattainable perfectionism, is the key to happiness.

If you have any of these problems, hypnosis is not a panacea, but it can help you. If you want to change and think it is time, contact us. We will work together to establish trust and security in you so that you begin to feel that you control your feelings, actions, and thoughts.

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