5 Top-Rated Underwater Cameras for Scuba Diving
Underwater Cameras for Scuba Diving Do you want to film your scuba diving experiences but aren’t sure which underwater camera to get? Do not be concerned! To assist you, we’ve put together a list of the best dive cameras for 2021. Take your scuba diving to another standard by using one of the underwater cameras…

Top 7 best Places to See Whale Sharks Swim
Swim and Dive with Whale Sharks You will never forget the magical experience while swimming with whale sharks. These majestic creatures hold an ability to hypnotize everyone who meets them underwater. It is quite easy to understand why whale sharks are most sought after by the scuba divers since these are the largest fish in…

Should or Shouldn’t you Swim with the Whale Shark
Are you a lover of the swim with whale sharks? One of the most popular activities in the Ningaloo is swimming with the whale shark. The largest fish in the world. The area between Exmouth to Ningaloo presents in the summer. One of the highest concentrations of this animal in the world, making it ideal…

What is the Best Time to Dive with Whale Shark at Ningaloo Reef?
Best Whale Shark Season in Exmouth Ningaloo Reef is the most famous for Whale shark swimming and manta rays. The best whale shark season in Exmouth every year between March and August, the world’s largest fish gathers along the Ningaloo Reef. The chance to scuba dive with these beautiful creiatures is the opportunity to do…

Where in Australia can you Swim with Whale Sharks?
In Western Australia, the Ningaloo Reef is a popular hot-spot for whale shark diving, with operations expanded seasonal periods to support numbering movement (July – October annually). They give day-long tours and hold their tours very limited with up to 10 visitors, which keeps all interactions with the whales healthy and personal. If the humpbacks…

Things To Know Before Swimming With Whale Sharks
Since past years, whale shark tourism has exploded, although snorkeling is very real with tourist companies, you must have an awareness about the program. Here are a few things which must be added to the pool of your knowledge. Whale Sharks – Largest Fish Whale sharks are not really the whales instead…

Where can you Swim with Whale Sharks in WA?
You will never forget the mesmerizing experience of swimming with whale sharks if you will get a chance to do so. As whale sharks are considered as nature’s tender gigantic beauty since they are the largest fish in the world. So, it will be definitely a memorable experience to swim along with whale sharks in…

8 Reason to Swim with Whale Sharks on Ningaloo Reef
In the country, several locations advertise with whale sharks but the Ningaloo Reef is the safest place to swim. Here is why. The Australian Government is Heavily Regulated Many Australians would lament the fact that, as a consequence of all its stringent regulations, Australia is a nanny country. This is a prime example of why…